
The ophthalmologists at Launceston Eye Doctors have many years experience in treating ophthalmic diseases and performing ophthalmic surgery including Laser Vision Correction. Visiting specialists bring additional services to Launceston Eye Doctors ensuring local treatment for retinal and paediatric diagnosis and surgery in Tasmania.

Dr Patrick

Dr Andrew Patrick

MBBch FCS(SA) OPTHH FRCS EDIN (OPTHH) Dr Andrew Patrick was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He completed his undergraduate medical …

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Dr Toh

Dr Tze’Yo Toh

M.B.B.S (Tas), MMedSci (Tas), FRANZCO Dr Tze’Yo Toh was originally from Sarawak, Malaysia and was offered a scholarship in 1993 …

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Dr Lucy Goold

MBBS (Syd), MMed (Syd), FRANZCO. Dr Lucy Goold completed her medical training at the University of Sydney. She completed a Masters …

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Mrs Julie Barbour

Mrs Julie Barbour

DBOA Ass Dip Sc Orthoptics Julie was born in Durban, South Africa, was educated on the North West Coast of …

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Dr Jonathan Ruddle

M.B.B.S, FRANZCO Since 2009 Dr Jon Ruddle has led a busy paediatric eye care clinic at Launceston Eye Doctors. Between …

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Dr Robin Abell

Dr Robin Abell practices in general ophthalmology and cataracts with a subspeciality interest in Cornea and Laser Refractive Surgery. Dr …

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